Emergencies are inevitable and unfortunately, they can strike at any time and anywhere, often without warning. You never know what is going to happen, yet equally we don’t want to live in fear of the unknown. Given the devastating flooding in QLD and NSW recently, it is a timely reminder that we need to always be prepared in case of a local emergency.
The good news is, it’s easy to protect yourself or a loved one by planning ahead. This will reduce stress and anxiety in the long run. At Home Care Assistance, your safety is our number one priority, and we will go above and beyond to ensure our clients have an emergency plan in place, as part of their personalised care plan.
If you do not have a home care service provider working with your family, it’s still important to have an emergency plan that is easily accessible, and that you communicate this plan with your loved ones. We have provided some practical tips to help you or a loved one be prepared with an emergency care plan.
- Get Informed. What emergency hazards are likely to affect you? It may be a:
- Flood
- Fire
- Heatwave
- Storm
- Cyclone
- Tsunami
- Earthquake
- Power outage
- Medical
Have a list of emergency contacts ready, that include:
- Family
- Friends
- Your GP or other medical specialists
- Ambulance, Police, Fire (ring 000)
- SES (State Emergency Service) – please note that there are different numbers depending on the State or Territory you live in
- Lifeline (ring 13 11 14)
- Poisons Information Line (ring 13 11 26)
Understand where and how you’ll get updated information if you are in an emergency. The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) is the official emergency broadcaster, and you can keep up to date through their various channels including TV, website, local radio, and social media.
- Get Connected. Having a connected community within an emergency will ensure everyone helps one another (if needed), during and after the event.
- If you haven’t already, introduce yourself to your neighbours and members of your local community.
- Identify your support network. Who will help you in an emergency? Is it your family, a friend, a neighbour, or your Case Manager? Let them know you may call on them to help if you’re in that situation.
- Have a dedicated meeting spot(s) for your household if you find yourself in an emergency.
- You may also consider an emergency personal alarm, worn often as a discreet pendant. This allows Seniors to maintain independent lifestyles yet have peace of mind that within an emergency, help will be alerted. There are many fantastic and discrete technical solutions to give you the extra peace of mind in an emergency.
- Get Paperwork Organised
- Consider writing clear step-by-step instructions on how someone should care for you or your loved one. Making sure the instructions include, medical history, medication type and dosage, and emergency personal contacts.
- If you are living independently, understand your insurance cover to avoid any financial stresses related to your home or health if recovering from an emergency.
- Take copies and store safely important documents that will help you limit the disruption to your life after an emergency. These documents may include, passport, birth certificate, insurance paperwork, driver’s license, immigration documents, land titles, mortgage, and prescriptions.
- Get Packing
Often when an emergency arises, there isn’t enough time, let alone enough mental capacity to remember everything that needs to be packed. By having an overnight bag ready in advance, you will save time and stress. We suggest packing:
- Perishable items of food
- Bottled water
- A week’s worth of medicine and prescriptions
- Set of warm clothes
- Toiletries
- Spare key
- Mobile phone and charger
- Radio
- Torch and batteries
- First aid kit
- Cash
- The step-by-step instructions on how to care for you, your medical history and emergency personal contacts.
Once a year go through your packed emergency kit, to replace expired food, medication, and batteries.
At Home Care Assistance, we will work with you or your loved one on ensuring your emergency care plan is up to date, as your safety is paramount. We can’t control emergencies, but we can help you best prepare and ensure you still receive the support you need.
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As a leading age care provider, Home Care Assistance offers tailored in-home care services for older Australians, enabling them to live happier and healthier lives in the comfort of their own homes.
We offer private and government subsidised Care Packages and have office locations that are a registered NDIS provider. Our Care Workers undergo extensive training in order to deliver unmatched in-home aged care services where people can continue ageing in place. We are proud ambassadors of the My Aged Care government funded aged care program, enabling Australians to successfully navigate the process and gain approval for in-home care support packages. Home Care Assistance offers hourly care, specialised care, Alzheimer’s and Dementia care, hospital to home care, and 24 hour in home care.