Ageing is an inevitable part of life. We may be able to control the effects of it to a degree, but we can’t stop it, yet we are considered fortunate to reach old age. As we grow older, we may feel at risk of losing our independence and are therefore too afraid to ask for help or show any vulnerability.
However, it is important to note that accessing support via My Aged Care, doesn’t mean you have to move home or go into care. Quite the contrary. There are many long-term care options, of which Home Care Assistance is one. Dedicated to supporting you or your loved one, Home Care Assistance offers tailored care for those who have chosen to continue ageing in place.
Many people don’t plan long term for their care, because they don’t feel it’s necessary until they actually need it, when in fact, it is highly beneficial to do so. Just like life insurance, it is important to think ahead and plan for your future health and care needs. Planning ahead can be hard and perhaps a little overwhelming, as you can’t predict if or how your needs might change. The first step however, is to think about the kinds of help you might need in the near future. Perhaps you live alone, with no one to assist you, or don’t need help, but you live with a spouse or family member who does. Everyone’s circumstance or situation is different. Below we look at why it is so important to get assessed early, and why we strongly encourage and advise you to do so.
Approval Delays
In recent years, the Federal Government’s Home Care Package programme has provided Australians with options to live at home for the duration of their life. Home Care Packages are flexible and suited to you or your loved ones needs, but these packages have seen a huge demand with long approval waiting times as a result.
It can take a long time for funding to come through for a Home Care Package. The latest figures for someone considered a medium priority is up to nine months, and those people require care already by the time they’ve applied for funding1. As recently as 2020, The Royal Commission into aged care found that those who needed the highest level of support for a Home Care Package, had to wait over 12 months2. As a result, if you anticipate needing any level of care or support to keep you in-home for longer, get assessed to ensure help is there when you do need it.
Tailored Service
There is a preconceived notion that having in-home care just involves nursing support. Well, that isn’t always the case. Working together with Home Care Assistance, you will receive a service that is specifically tailored to suit your needs. This may include:
- Meals and food preparation to ensure you continue to eat well.
- Cleaning, laundry, and other chores to help you keep your home clean.
- Home or garden maintenance to keep it in a safe condition.
- Transport to appointments, activities, and social outings to remain connected to the community.
- Changes to your home to increase or maintain your ability to move around your home safely and independently.
- Aids to stay independent to help with mobility, communication, reading and personal care limitations.
Asking for help or acknowledging that you potentially require a little support, will not only help you or your loved one’s goals of staying at home and ageing safely in place, but will also ensure that you are part of the system for any future higher care needs, as and when required.
Your Care Needs Might Change Quickly
We often find that by the time our clients receive funding, their care needs have already changed. The good news is that by the time you have a Home Care Package, we can work closely with you to review your care plan services and budget, if you select us to be your home care agency. If you require a reassessment, this will be easier and most likely faster, as My Aged Care will already have your initial care details recorded.
At Home Care Assistance we are on hand to guide you through the process and help you utilise your Home Care Package subsidy efficiently to ensure your wellbeing and health needs are met. We want you to live safely and independently at home and are here to support you in making that happen.
Applying for an assessment for a Home Care Package is a quick and easy process and can be done online or by calling My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Also, once you’ve had an assessment, you get to choose whether you want to accept the outcome of that assessment – it is completely your choice. You really have nothing to lose, but knowledge that will equip your future health and care needs.
Remember that even if you only need support in one or two areas of daily life, if you are looking for extra assistance while you’re waiting for your Home Care Package to come through, help is available through the Commonwealth Home Support Program. You can also reach out to one of our friendly team members at Home Care Assistance, who can guide you through the process.
Support of an in-home care agency like Home Care Assistance, can bring enormous benefit and comfort to your quality of life while living independently at home. Home Care Assistance has viable solutions when it comes to supporting independent living. For more information, get in touch with a Home Care Assistance near me today.
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As a leading age care provider, Home Care Assistance offers tailored in-home care services for older Australians, enabling them to live happier and healthier lives in the comfort of their own homes.
We offer private and government subsidised Care Packages and have office locations that are a registered NDIS provider. Our Care Workers undergo extensive training in order to deliver unmatched in-home aged care services where people can continue ageing in place. We are proud ambassadors of the My Aged Care government funded aged care program, enabling Australians to successfully navigate the process and gain approval for in-home care support packages. Home Care Assistance offers hourly care, specialised care, Alzheimer’s and Dementia care, hospital to home care, and 24 hour in home care.